Where Bed Bugs Come From and How to Remove Them For Good

bed bugs come from remove

Bed bugs are one of the oldest known pests in the world, with a history that dates back thousands of years, and part of what makes them so resilient is their ability to travel. Bed bugs can come from a variety of different sources before they infest your home, but they can also be easily enough prevented and removed if you know the right approach to take.

At Logan Extermination, we’re happy to offer the very best pest control services in Logan and nearby areas, covering pests ranging from bed bugs and other insects up through larger ones such as rodents. Where do bed bugs come from, and how can you proactively prevent them or remove them for good if they’ve already shown up in your home? Here’s a simple rundown.

Where Do Bed Bugs Come From?

Bed bugs not only travel easily, but also have a number of different potential sources. Sometimes, bed bugs may come from secondhand furniture you’ve purchased or brought home, and they can also hitchhike on your clothing if you’ve spent time in an infested area. In other cases, bed bugs may be carried into your home through visits by family members and guests who unknowingly bring them along – and once they set up shop in your home, it can be hard to get them out.

The key here is realizing that if you’ve been in any place where people congregate, and especially if you have items that bed bugs can easily latch onto, you may have inadvertently brought them into your home without even realizing it.

How To Prevent and Remove Bed Bugs

When it comes to preventing bed bug infestations in the first place, much of this speaks to understanding our above section. If you know the common sources that bed bugs may come from, you’re better able to take preventive steps such as thoroughly inspecting any used furniture before bringing it home, and making sure you check your clothing for bed bug signs if you’ve been in an infested area.

And for cases of actual bed bug infestation, the best approach is to reach out to a qualified pest control expert such as Logan Extermination. We have the experience and resources necessary to handle your bed bug problem quickly and effectively – ensuring that you get rid of those pests for good.

If you’re in the Logan area and need help with bed bugs or any other type of pest, contact us today – we’ll be happy to help you out. We look forward to hearing from you! Visit our website for more details on bed bug extermination and other pest control services, which we’ve been providing to clients around Utah for years.

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