Bed Bugs: Basics, Causes, Locations and Signs

bed bugs basics causes locations

There are a few pest types out there that can be even more bothersome than their names might suggest, and a good example here is the bed bug. While this insect gets its name from one of its most common locations – beds and mattress areas – these are just some of the many areas where they may not only be found, but also may create several issues to people and objects alike.

At Logan Extermination, we’re proud to offer a wide variety of pest control services for both residential and commercial settings, including a comprehensive range of bed bug control and extermination solutions if your home or building is dealing with these frustrating pests. What are bed bugs, what are some causes and sources of their presence, and how can you spot, prevent and/or remove them? This two-part blog will run through everything you need to know.

Bed Bug Basics and Causes

Bed bugs are small, reddish or brownish-colored insects with an oval-shape. They are one of the single pest types most attracted to humans, mainly because they want to feed on our blood – which they do using a combination of small piercers and saliva that contains anesthetic (this reduces pain while they suck out blood).

One important characteristic to be aware of with bed bugs is their resiliency. Bed bugs are known to attach themselves to numerous objects and simply wait until they have an opportunity to find warmth and a breeding location; they can go up to a year without food as they search for this location. They’re most common, then, in places where people regularly come and go, plus have belongings with them that the bugs might attach to. More on this below.

Common Bed Bug Locations

As we noted above, bed bugs can be found in many locations besides the bed or mattress area. They will attach to things like luggage, bags, purses, clothes and other items that you generally bring with you during the day, then will find one of several indoor locations to nest in, including:

  • Mattresses, box springs, sheets and blankets
  • Various other areas near the bed frame and headboards
  • Piles of clothes or other clutter that are not moved too often
  • Under peeling or cracking paint, or under carpets or baseboards
  • In the seams of furniture upholstery
  • Under plates that cover electrical outlets or light switches
  • In suitcases, luggage, cardboard boxes or similar items

Signs of Bed Bugs

Beyond actually seeing them – which is rare, as they’re pretty good at hiding – here are some of the signs that you might have bed bugs in your home or building:

  • Red, itchy spots on your skin, which are darker in the middle (this is the spot where the actual bite occurred).
  • Clusters of bites in a given area of the skin, often in a straight line.
  • Tiny dark spots of fecal matter on mattresses, bedding, carpet or upholstery.
  • Blood spots on your sheets or other materials.

For more on bed bugs and how to identify and prevent them, or to learn about any of our pest control, lawn and tree care or other services, speak to the staff at Logan Extermination today.

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