Expert Tree Care Services
Not everyone in Logan, Utah, thinks about tree care, until something goes wrong. But it’s important to ensure your trees are healthy year-round, because losing a tree can leave a big hole in your landscape, and it can cost thousands of dollars to remove. Logan Extermination offers a number of important tree services to help you keep the trees on your Logan property healthy and strong.
A healthy tree is truly a thing of beauty. Tall and strong, it offers shade, shelter and sometimes even flowers or fruit. Many of us come to love and appreciate the trees on our property.
And although we see trees as strong, the truth is, they can be vulnerable too. They are susceptible to attacks from bugs, animals, fungi and more. Once these parasites take hold, it can be hard for the tree to defend itself. That’s when it’s Logan Extermination to the rescue!
We employ a full arsenal of weapons against threats to trees, including aphid spray, fruit tree spray and insecticide spray. Treating a tree with insecticide is not a one-size-fits-all solution — each tree and each situation calls for a particular treatment.
Additionally, we use tree fertilizer to make your trees better able to withstand further attacks, and we offer tree trimming services as well to keep them in tip-top shape.
Logan Extermination’s tree services are available to customers in and around the Logan, Utah, area. Call us today.
Fruit Tree Services: (4 Treatments Will Be Applied Over The Season)
- Our experienced arborists have years of experience in fruit tree pruning, small to medium shade trees, and even evergreen & deciduous shrubs. Please call for an estimate, as each tree requires different care.
- Applied to trees in early spring prior to kill any eggs or scale present on the tree trunk, branches, & twigs.
- Applied to fruit trees to control harmful insects, aphid eggs and fruit worms.
- With assistance from USU extension services we schedule these applications, specifically targeting the time period just prior to insects hatching or activity.
Quaking Aspen Trees
Black Spot Fungus Treatment:
- 4 fungicide applications within 10 day period applied to trees in early spring to prevent black spots found on quakies.
Oyster Shell Scale:
- A dormant oil application that includes an insecticide to stop any all insects that may have wintered over on the tree. Applied in the spring before leaves.
- This treatment controls and prevents insect problems that cannot be fixed later in the year, and if left untreated, will cause irreparable damage.