Spring is a period where many home and building owners begin thinking about various warm-weather pests and how to protect their structures from them. Several of these pests can be easily warded off using the right kind of spraying or preparation, and knowing about these options in advance goes a long way.
At Logan Extermination, we’re proud to offer a wide range of both pest control and lawn care services, including several forms of spraying — both for trees and shrubs and for your home itself. Three particular insects that our spraying services will help prevent, and which are sometimes confused for one another, are the boxelder bug, elm seed bug and earwig. What are each of these, and how can you tell them apart to properly inform our pest control experts of your issue? Here’s a basic primer.
Boxelder Bugs
Often the first insect seen in large volume during the spring in many areas, the boxelder bug refers to a mostly black insect that has small hints of red and orange on it. They typically feed on boxelder trees and other maples, as well as fruits and vegetables in gardens. Primarily a nuisance pest, they can stain surfaces with their excrement, and they will often invade homes in large numbers seeking shelter from the cold.
While boxelder bugs don’t lead to specific health problems, their presence can be a sign of other issues like an infestation of aphids or scale on the host tree. If you’re seeing large numbers of boxelder bugs and don’t have any boxelders or maples on your property, it’s likely time to call in a professional.
Elm Seed Bugs
Also sometimes referred to as elm seed beetles, elm seed bugs are often confused with boxelder bugs — but are not the same in reality. Rather, elm seed bugs refer to those that often lay eggs in elm trees, and have long lifespans, sometimes surviving all the way into winter. They are light brown in color with black markings, and can often be seen crawling around on tree bark.
Like boxelder bugs, elm seed bugs generally don’t cause any real damage to trees or homes but can be a nuisance. If you’re seeing them around your property, our experts can help you get rid of them.
The third insect often confused with the other two, earwigs are a small brownish creature with pincers on their abdomen. They get their name from the myth that they crawl into people’s ears at night, although this is not true.
Primarily nocturnal, they feed on a variety of things, including aphids, other insects and decaying organic matter. They can often be found in damp areas like under rocks or near the foundation of a home.
While they are not known to cause any real damage to humans or property, they can be unsightly and difficult to get rid of. If you’re experiencing an earwig infestation, our experts can help.
For more on any of these common spring insects or how to identify them, or to learn about our spraying or any other pest control services we offer, speak to the staff at Logan Extermination today.