Trees & Shrubs

Iron Chlorosis in Trees and Shrubs

Diagnosing and Correcting Iron Chlorosis in Trees and Shrubs

There are a few issues that your trees and shrubs may face during the course of a normal season, and one of these is known as iron chlorosis. Generally referring to a lack of iron in a plant that inhibits its growth, iron chlorosis is a significant issue, particularly in drought years in dry places …

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early start fruit tree pruning

Getting an Early Start on Fruit Tree Pruning and Care

While there are some who simply believe all their tree and plant needs cease entirely during the winter and require no attention until frost and snow are completely gone, this often isn’t the case for certain areas of your exterior property. One great example here is fruit trees, which often benefit greatly from the processes …

Getting an Early Start on Fruit Tree Pruning and Care Read More »

summer fruit tree spraying

Logan Summer Fruit Tree Spraying Recommendations

For those who have fruit trees on their property, the use of certain spraying services for prevention throughout their growing seasons is often very important. This is a process that should be done throughout the warm part of the year, with certain sprays or spray types that are best applied at various times through the …

Logan Summer Fruit Tree Spraying Recommendations Read More »


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