
identifying grasshopper yard damage

Identifying Grasshopper Presence and Yard Damage

While some may think of grasshoppers as friendly insects, and this is generally the case in terms of their behavior toward humans, the same cannot be said of their impact on your property. Grasshoppers can consume half their own body weight in a single day, and when a grasshopper infestation takes place on your property, …

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stinging insect identification hornets bees

Stinging Insect Identification: Hornets and Killer Bees

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some basics on how to identify various common stinging insects using their nests and their physical characteristics. While many of these insects are part of the natural ecosystem, their nests being built too close to homes or buildings present risks, both to human health …

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stinging insect identification wasps yellowjackets

Stinging Insect Identification: Wasps and Yellowjackets

While there are certain outdoor flying insects that serve a role in nature, including pollination and other areas, these insects constructing nests in or near our homes can pose dangers. Not only do some of these insects possess and sometimes use stingers, they also may cause costly property damage if they aren’t controlled. At Logan …

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